Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary
12163 Highland Road, Hot Springs, South Dakota 57747, United States, P.O. Box 998, Hot Springs, SD, 57747
Visiting the Sanctuary in 2023
We respect the freedom and privacy of our mustang herds. Only a select few visitors can go out to see the horses by reservation only. The visits are with a guide in a SUV or van with a minimum of 2-5 people for two hours. The fee is $3oo per person plus tax. Reservations and a deposit are required for all visits. The availability is based on weather and only Monday through Friday beginning in June. Call 605-745-5955
On a daily basis you are welcome to drive in on Rocky Ford and traveling onto Highland Road down to the Visitor’s Center/ Gift Shop. The shop is open in May 9-4 Monday through Friday. There are horses along the way and around the Gift Shop.
Our Gift Shop is opened Monday through Friday all year from 8-4 call 605-745-5955 before you come. We are often out feeding horses and are not available.
Our Ranch Crew is busy each day taking care of the mustangs.
The Sanctuary Administrative offices are open Monday - Saturday
9am - 5pm mountain time
Give us a call, offices: 605-745-5955
After hours: 605-745-7494
The Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located 14 miles south of Hot Springs off of SD Highway 71.
Gift Shop Hours: Mon-Sat 8:00am - 4:00pmTours: Mon-Fri By Appointment Only ($300 per person)